Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Harder Than I Thought,

this whole, keep up with the blog thing. I have to keep in mind that instead of rushing to the closest paper and pen, I do have the wonderful internet at my fingertips. I also have to try and convince myself on a daily basis that I was born into a technological era. 

A personal belief I have is that life could go perfectly fine without the high end mechanics we have today. Hearing teens my age say "I don't know what I would do without my cell phone," really bugs me. I hate to carry my phone with me wherever it's not needed. Granted, I get my head bitten off when i leave a text unread or don't respond immediately but hey, I don't need to be contacted 24/7 and every minute of every hour. If I wanted that, I would move in with you. 

Anyway, I'm trying to become one with the internet. This is a perk I am happy to take part of. I love to write and typing whatever it is that I'd like to write makes my hands a little bit more appreciative. :)

Well I'm at the stage in a situation I am currently in where I start to worry about everything. It's almost like  disease that I get rid of when there is no, we'll call it a "substance", in my life. When I do have the "substance" and everything is running as smoothly as it possibly could, my mind goes into over drive. I over think every and any detail of every and any situation, I second guess any choices I am thinking of making (which is not like me in the slightest) and then it all goes down hill from there. I like to call it over obsessive worry-wart syndrome. (OOWWS)* In other words, it creates injuries. Mostly personal/ emotional problems all while driving me crazy at the same time. 

There is no known cure for this ridiculous illness. Though it is heard that helpful advice and shoulders to lean on of friends lessens the intensity of any brain draining, heart hurting, or mind aching side effects of this illness.

That is all I have to say for now. TTFN

*yes. OOWWS is a made up illness, that i JUST came up with while writing this entry. 

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