Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A New Me.

At one point or another someone decides, that during their life, they want a fresh start, a new beginning and a clean slate. Right now, this person is me.

It is said that in stories, when it rains it means that there is a foreshadowed change of heart in a character. In my life, as of right now, there was a recent storm. A storm that overpowers so many different things. A storm that I couldn't hide from. It took my house, my family, and a large part of my life away. Now, many times in my past I've heard people tell me to work with what I've been given. Now, more than ever do I pay attention to these words. I am working with what I have, which isn't very much and I am running wild with it. I am no longer sitting on the sidelines. When I see what I want, I will go for it.

There was once a time when I would hesitate to go for something I wanted because I chose other people's happiness over my own. I have come to realize that in one's life, the first and foremost happiness you should be worried about is your own. For someone like me, this is difficult.

I once heard a saying that the night can only be at it's darkest before the sun comes out again. I had hit an emotional apocalypse and was unsure of my survival, but then a few people helped me realize that not only was my sun starting to come out but that I had my blinds closed as well. I tend to sulk in the pain that comes upon me instead of trying to move forward. Simply because I get stuck in the mind frame that I can still fix what had gone wrong.
*Note to self: You cannot change the past. You can learn from the past and work during your present to better you future.

Current day: I am as happy as I was before the storm hit. Maybe even happier. I have some new people in my life, some new thoughts, and some VERY good things to look forward to. I will continue doing the things that I love and continue to surround myself with people who make me smile and remind me how bright my sun is. :)

That is all.

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