Monday, January 24, 2011

"Everything Happens for A Reason."

"The universe has a way of picking and choosing the right times for things." -Anthony Trandicosta

Do you realize how all romance films are the same? There are two types of romance films. This first one is the "We are best friends but we're in love" story, That one goes like this: Two best friends go their whole life loving each other  and never realize it until they have a big fight and the truth comes out. Usually it end happy. The second type is "The two strangers who are meant to be." This one is the one that gets better ratings overall, probably because it's what everyone wants to happen. Two people meet each other and either they absolutely hate each other or they are immediately attracted to one another. After a while, the get together and it's all good. Until there's a blow out fight, they break up, there's a montage of some sort, and one or the other realizes what they did was wrong and they end up happy again.

I'm sure that there is someone out there for everyone. At every moment of everyday there is a girl and a guy wondering why they haven't found the love of their life. Or they are debating to stop looking for love. That's the problem. You aren't supposed to look for love. Love comes TO you. The fun part is letting t hit you out of nowhere, when you least expect it! But  can guarantee that if you sit on the sidelines pretending to wait for love to find you, it still won't come. Patience, confidence, and and open mind is all it takes. A new friend of mine said it best; "The universe has a way of picking and choosing the right times for things."

Well world, that's all for now. 
Until next time,
Stay loving!

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