Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Love for Music

So today I have decided to go with a different format than I usually use.
I'm feeling a little creative today.
I'm feeling a little....

I remember myself as a child listening to music and loving to sing along with it.
So I guess that's when it all started.
With one tiny, insignificant
I have always loved to sing. 
To me a person's voice is the best instrument they can play.
I loved hearing my own voice.
Not so much in a conceited way but in a way that way appreciative.
I loved that I could express my feelings through my musically talented voice.

My next musical memory that I remember was always playing the "air violin."
I still to this day absolutely adore the sound of the violin. 
I remember telling myself that I was going to learn it and play in some really big orchestra.

Then when I was in maybe second or third grade, the school I was in had a miniature recess.
During that recess, my best friend at the time and I would go into this little room with a piano.
It was then that she taught me how to play "Heart and Soul."
That was the first day I was influenced by a non-bodily instrument.
I fell in love with the piano and always wanted to play it. 
I don't necessarily remember what brought it up but shortly after that my parent's put me in piano lessons.

I HATED taking lessons. 
I don't remember if it was the teacher or if I just didn't like putting forth the effort. 
I just remember not ever wanting to go back.

Eventually I was given a keyboard as a gift.
I would spend countless hours sitting on my floor playing and listening to the songs that were on it.
I wanted to learn everyone. 
I grew tired of hearing the same songs over and over again.
I would hear songs on the radio and think of the tunes is my head and them play them on my keyboard.
I played piano for about seven years before I learned how to read notes. 
I still struggle to read notes.
Now, I  know how to read notes but I can't sit down, look at a music book and play the piano.
I still mainly play by ear.

I would find myself becoming more and more attracted to the sound of guitar.
The older I got the more I appreciated hearing guitar. 
Something inside my soul would always be moved whenever hearing the sound of someone playing guitar.
For the longest time I envied those who could play any amount of guitar. 
The longer I went without taking the initiative to learn the more I yearned to play.

One day, my best friend's uncle [Sean], that I've spoken about in a previous post, came over to the house.
He is a large Dave Matthews Band fan and I heard him playing some of their songs.
Instantly my heart melted and I explained to him how I wished to play.
At that point in time he offered to teach me what he knew. 
I probably looked like a little kid who's wish had finally came true.
A long life dream that I've had to play my absolute favorite instrument has come true.
I have probably been playing guitar now for 3 or 4 months now.
I'm no guitar genius but just like with everything else in life, the more I practice the better I'm getting.
I'm so thankful for Sean igniting that tiny spark that I had.
Soon enough it will be a full blown flame that will have me writing my own music!
or at least I hope :)

But on a different note; a much less creative  note anyway, I am being educated. "Educated how" you ask? Well Sean not only is teaching me what he has to know about guitar. He is now teaching me all he knows within his film making expertise! He has created an extremely long list of the movies I have not seen and that he owns and is having me watch them. He's 'putting some culture in my life.' "How's this for culture?" -Seven. Not only has he accumulated a plethora of movies for me to indulge myself in, he has also supplied me with a list of around 60 songs with CD's to match for me to listen to. All of songs or artists that I have never heard of. He has also made me aware of all the books and books of plays that he has in his closet. I was told that I will read some of them. I have NO problem what so ever, doing this. I am excited to soak up as much knowledge in films, music, books, and plays as I possibly can. It will be a very exciting next few months. :) 



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